Monday, February 18, 2013

Jeffrey R. Holland.

Jeffrey R Holland

"The fact of the matter is, the more capable we are, the more humble we should be." - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, For Times of Trouble - I love listening to this man speak. So much power and wisdom!

Envy - Jeffrey R. Holland (free printable download from hiyapapaya)

Jeffrey R. Holland

"Life has to be lived in the present tense. The current hour is the only one we have." - Jeffrey R. Holland from "For Times of Trouble" #lds #ldsbooks #inspiration #mormons #DeseretBookPinWish

Jeffrey R. Holland - Click image to find more Illustrations & Posters Pinterest pins

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

jeffrey r holland

Jeffrey R. Holland

"Expecting a trouble-free life because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge you because you are a vegetarian."  --Jeffrey R. Holland

Laborers in the Vineyard:

Highlight of talk:

Full Version of talk:


Good Words.

We can't insist on our own time table when the Lorde has His own. ~Henry B. Eyring

"Acting on even a twig of faith allows God to grow it."   ~Henry B. Eyring

This letter is from my twin..; playing match maker again...

ok well just to letyouknow ill write you a good letter, well we had our interviews this week with the president, he always brnsmefor something, thistime it was because i neede to invite more people wiyth a babtism date!!! but it was coool i have fotos in the turks blog!!! also chatwin loves so you shouldmarry him after your mission, he wants to be aprofessional kicker for footballl, and he so can, hes awesome right, i told ya right gina hea a gurd one!° well i hope bradyn forgives you too because ill he wrote me is that you hate him, a little advice fromme to you is never ever say something that you will regret, id imagine that when jesus got spit upon orslapped im sure that he wanted to say somenasty things but he never did, ive had similar occassions but i can tell you honestly that the scripture that says pray for your enemys and for those who have hurt you, and love those that despise you!!! i feel thast everybody thinks that im the pasty white devil and if i talk to them thell be cursed, it hurts my feelings sometimes when little kids copy there parents and say nesty things to me but the max thingi say to them is good luck in the next life!!! good luck with the pastors, but beleive me itsbad here theres a differenty church on every strreet hbere!!!! well know that i loveyou and that you gave me goosebumps, thanks!!ciao

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gordon B. Hinckley Quotes.

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Called to serve in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission! English speaking. I am to report to the MTC on March 27th, 2013.


“Woman is God’s supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed, after the day had been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman created; and only then was the work pronounced complete and good.” ― Gordon B. Hinckley